Minggu, 30 November 2008

Taylor Swift apaan banget sih?

iih najis deh taylor! apaan banget! gue baca di www.mtv.com gue iseng2 buka tentang jobro! dan ya you know lah! kalo joe putus ama taylor lewat tlp dalam waktu 27 detik kalo ga salah! and joe 
explain(bodo amat kalo tulisannya salah) it :
     "For those who have expressed concern over the '27-second' phone call ... I called to discuss feelings with the other person," he writes. "Those feelings were obviously not well-received. I did not end the conversation. Someone else did. Phone calls can only last as long as the person on the other end of the line is willing to talk. A phone call can be pretty short when someone else ends the call. The only difference in this conversation was that I shared something the other person did not want to hear. There were later attempts at communication that had no response."

i mean not like an so what? attitude! taylor! you can't say it like that to people! just read this: 
 "Swift has posted a video that's mostly a promotion for the album, but at the 4:20 mark, she holds up a Joe Jonas doll and says, "See, this one even comes with a phone, so he can break up with other dolls." Then she holds up a blond doll and warns it, "Stay away from him, OK?""

what the big problem taylor? you brake up with joe? it's not a perfectly problem! if you brake up with someone why you post it to the fans? are trying make joe fans go away? but, i don't think so if you doing that!  if you wanna read the full article just click this taylor swift

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

biasa laaah,mereka tuh putus gara gara joe jonasnya tuh suka ama gue,padahal kan dia kaka gua